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基于TL431的精度为 2% 的可调精密并联稳压器

发表于 2018-11-14 16:51:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  1 Features
  Reference Voltage Tolerance at 25°C
  0.5% (B Grade)
  1% (A Grade)
  2% (Standard Grade)
  Adjustable Output Voltage: Vref to 36 V
  Operation From −40°C to 125°C
  Typical Temperature Drift (TL431B)
  6 mV (C Temp)
  14 mV (I Temp, Q Temp)
  Low Output Noise
  0.2-Ω Typical Output Impedance
  Sink-Current Capability: 1 mA to 100 mA
  2 Applications
  Adjustable Voltage and Current Referencing
  Secondary Side Regulation in Flyback SMPSs
  Zener Replacement
  Voltage Monitoring
  Comparator with Integrated Reference
  3 Description
  The TL431 and TL432 devices are three-terminal adjustable shunt regulators, with specified thermal stability over applicable automotive, commercial, and military temperature ranges. The output voltage can be set to any value between Vref (approximately
  2.5 V) and 36 V, with two external resistors. These devices have a typical output impedance of 0.2 Ω. Active output circuitry provides a very sharp turn-on characteristic, making these devices excellent replacements for Zener diodes in many applications, such as onboard regulation, adjustable power supplies, and switching power supplies. The TL432 device has exactly the same functionality and electrical specifications as the TL431 device, but has different pinouts for the DBV, DBZ, and PK packages.
  Both the TL431 and TL432 devices are offered in three grades, with initial tolerances (at 25°C) of 0.5%, 1%, and 2%, for the B, A, and standard grade, respectively. In addition, low output drift versus temperature ensures good stability over the entire temperature range.
  The TL43xxC devices are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C, the TL43xxI devices are characterized for operation from –40°C to 85°C, and the TL43xxQ devices are characterized for operation from –40°C to 125°C.
  This standard device has proven ubiquity and versatility across a wide range of applications, ranging from power to signal path. This is due to it's key components containing an accurate voltage reference & opamp, which are very fundamental analog building blocks. TL43xx is used in conjunction with it's key components to behave as a single voltage reference, error amplifier, voltage clamp or comparator with integrated reference.
  TL43xx can be operated and adjusted to cathode voltages from 2.5V to 36V, making this part optimum for a wide range of end equipments in industrial, auto, telecom & computing. In order for this device to behave as a shunt regulator or error amplifier, >1mA (Imin(max)) must be supplied in to the cathode pin. Under this condition, feedback can be applied from the Cathode and Ref pins to create a replica of the internal reference voltage.
  Various reference voltage options can be purchased with initial tolerances (at 25°C) of 0.5%, 1%, and 2%. These reference options are denoted by B (0.5%), A (1.0%) and blank (2.0%) after the TL431 or TL432. TL431 & TL432 are both functionaly, but have separate pinout options.
  The TL43xxC devices are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C, the TL43xxI devices are characterized for operation from –40°C to 85°C, and the TL43xxQ devices are characterized for operation from –40°C to 125°C.
  TL43xx consists of an internal reference and amplifier that outputs a sink current base on the difference between the reference pin and the virtual internal pin. The sink current is produced by the internal Darlington pair, shown in the above schematic (Figure 24). A Darlington pair is used in order for this device to be able to sink a maximum current of 100 mA.
  When operated with enough voltage headroom (≥ 2.5 V) and cathode current (IKA), TL431 forces the reference pin to 2.5 V. However, the reference pin can not be left floating, as it needs IREF ≥ 4 µA (please see Electrical Characteristics, TL431C, TL432C). This is because the reference pin is driven into an npn, which needs base current in order operate properly.
  When feedback is applied from the Cathode and Reference pins, TL43xx behaves as a Zener diode, regulating to a constant voltage dependent on current being supplied into the cathode. This is due to the internal amplifier and reference entering the proper operating regions. The same amount of current needed in the above feedback situation must be applied to this device in open loop, servo or error amplifying implementations in order for it to be in the proper linear region giving TL43xx enough gain.
  Unlike many linear regulators, TL43xx is internally compensated to be stable without an output capacitor between the cathode and anode. However, if it is desired to use an output capacitor Figure 24 can be used as a guide to assist in choosing the correct capacitor to maintain stability.
  When the cathode/output voltage or current of TL43xx is not being fed back to the reference/input pin in any form, this device is operating in open loop. With proper cathode current (Ika) applied to this device, TL43xx will have the characteristics shown in Figure 23. With such high gain in this configuration, TL43xx is typically used as a comparator. With the reference integrated makes TL43xx the prefered choice when users are trying to monitor a certain level of a single signal.
When the cathode/output voltage or current of TL43xx is being fed back to the reference/input pin in any form, this device is operating in closed loop. The majority of applications involving TL43xx use it in this manner to regulate a fixed voltage or current. The feedback enables this device to behave as an error amplifier, computing a portion of the output voltage and adjusting it to maintain the desired regulation. This is done by relating the output voltage back to the reference pin in a manner to make it equal to the internal reference voltage, which can be accomplished via resistive or direct feedback.
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