1 特性 输入电压范围:4V 至 40V 3.5A 持续输出电流 40µA 超低工作静态电流 90mΩ 高侧金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体 (MOSFET) 最短导通时间:75ns 电流模式控制 可调节开关频率范围:200kHz 至 2.5MHz 与外部时钟频率同步 内部补偿方便使用 支持高占空比运行 精密使能引脚 关断电流:1µA 外部软启动 热保护、过压保护和短路保护 8 引脚 HSOIC PowerPAD™ 封装 2 应用范围 汽车电池稳压 工业用电源 电信和数据通信系统 电池供电系统 3 说明 LMR14030 器件是一款具有集成型高侧 MOSFET 的 40V、3.5A 降压稳压器。 该器件具有 4V 至 40V 的宽输入电压范围,适用于从工业到汽车各类应用中非稳压电源的电源调节。 该稳压器在休眠模式下的静态电流为 40µA,非常适合电池供电类系统。 并且在关断模式下具有 1μA 的超低电流,可进一步延长电池使用寿命。 该稳压器的可调开关频率范围较宽,这使得效率或外部元件尺寸能够得到优化。 内部环路补偿意味着用户不用承担设计环路补偿组件的枯燥工作。 并且还能够以最大限度减少器件的外部元件数。 精密使能输入简化了稳压器控制和系统电源排序。 此外,该器件还内置多种保护特性:逐周期电流限制保护、应对功耗过大的热感测和热关断保护、以及输出过压保护。 该产品品牌下其它产品相关信息可咨询:https://www.iczoom.com/brand/509-c-1-20.html The LMR14030 SIMPLE SWITCHER® regulator is an easy to use step-down DC-DC converter that operates from 4.0 V to 40 V supply voltage. It integrates a 90 mΩ (typical) high-side MOSFET, and is capable of delivering up to 3.5 A DC load current with exceptional efficiency and thermal performance in a very small solution size. The operating current is typically 40 μA under no load condition (not switching). When the device is disabled, the supply current is typically 1 μA. An extended family is available in 2 A and 5 A load options in pin to pin compatible packages. The LMR14030 implements constant frequency peak current mode control with Sleep-mode at light load to achieve high efficiency. The device is internally compensated, which reduces design time, and requires fewer external components. The switching frequency is programmable from 200 kHz to 2.5 MHz by an external resistor RT. The LMR14030 is also capable of synchronization to an external clock within the 250 kHz to 2.3 MHz frequency range, which allows the device to be optimized to fit small board space at higher frequency, or high efficient power conversion at lower frequency. Other optional features are included for more comprehensive system requirements, including precision enable, adjustable soft-start time, and approximate 97% duty cycle by BOOT capacitor recharge circuit. These features provide a flexible and easy to use platform for a wide range of applications. Protection features include over temperature shutdown, VOUT over voltage protection (OVP), VIN under-voltage lockout (UVLO), cycle-by-cycle current limit, and short-circuit protection with frequency fold-back. |