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基于TPS62422-Q1的用于 ADAS 摄像头应用的汽车类 2.25MHz 固定输出电压双路 1000mA...

发表于 2018-12-6 17:44:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  基于TPS62422-Q1的用于 ADAS 摄像头应用的汽车类 2.25MHz 固定输出电压双路 1000mA/600mA 降压转换器
  TPS624xx-Q1 器件系列是适用于汽车 应用 (例如高级驾驶员辅助系统 (ADAS))的同步双路降压直流/直流转换器。该系列可提供两组由标准 3.3V 5V 电压轨供电的独立输出电压轨,以及经过优化的固定输出电压,为 ADAS 摄像头模块中的 CMOS 成像仪或串行器-解串器供电。
  该 EasyScale™串行接口允许在操作过程中修改输出电压。固定输出电压版本 TPS624xx-Q1 支持对低功耗处理器进行单引脚控制的简单动态电压调节。
TPS624xx-Q1 器件系列可在 2.25MHz 固定开关频率下运行,在轻负载电流情况下会进入省电模式,以便在整个负载电流范围内保持高效率。对于低噪声 应用,用户可以通过将 MODE/DATA 引脚的电平拉高来强制器件进入固定频率 PWM 模式。关断模式可以将电流消耗降低至 1.2µA 的典型值。此器件允许使用小型电感器和电容器以实现一个小型解决方案尺寸。
  符合汽车类应用的 要求
  具有符合 AEC Q100 标准的下列结果:
  器件温度 1 级:–40°C 125°C 工作结温范围
  器件 HBM ESD 分类等级 2
  器件 CDM ESD 分类等级 C4B
  高效 - 高达 95%
  VIN 范围从 2.5V 6V
  2.25MHz 固定频率运行
  输出电流 TPS62406-Q1 1000mA/400mA
  输出电流 TPS62407-Q1 400mA/600mA
  输出电流 TPS62422-Q1 1000mA/600mA
  输出电流 TPS62423-Q1 800mA/800mA
  输出电流 TPS62424-Q1 800mA/800mA
  脉宽调制模式下的输出电压精度 ±1%
  适用于两个转换器的典型 32µA 静态电流
  可实现 100% 占空比,以确保最低压降
  All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
  The TPS624xx-Q1 device includes two synchronous step-down converters. The converters operate with typically 2.25-MHz fixed-frequency pulse-width modulation (PWM) at moderate to heavy load currents. With the power-save mode enabled, the converters automatically enter power-save mode at light load currents and operate in PFM (pulse frequency modulation).
  During PWM operation, the converters use a unique fast-response voltage-mode controller scheme with input-voltage feed-forward to achieve good line and load regulation, allowing the use of small ceramic input and output capacitors. At the beginning of each clock cycle initiated by the clock signal, the P-channel MOSFET switch turns on and the inductor current ramps up until the comparator trips and the control logic turns off the switch.
  Each converter integrates two current limits, one in the P-channel MOSFET and another one in the N-channel MOSFET. When the current in the P-channel MOSFET reaches its current limit, the P-channel MOSFET turns off and the N-channel MOSFET turns on. If the current in the N-channel MOSFET is above the N-MOS current limit threshold, the N-channel MOSFET remains on until the current drops below its current limit.
  The two DC-DC converters operate synchronized to each other. A 180° phase shift between converter 1 and converter 2 decreases the input rms current.
  1 .Converter 1
  It is possible to change the output voltage of converter 1 with the EasyScale serial Interface. This makes the device very flexible for output-voltage adjustment. In this case, the device uses an internal resistor network.
  The output voltage can also be selected using the DEF_1 pin configuration as a digital input. For these voltage version the DEF_1 pin select the same output voltage for DEF_1=high or DEF_1=low.
  1.Converter 2
  It is also possible to change the output voltage of converter 2 via the EasyScale interface.
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