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基于TPS61170-Q1的采用了 2x2mm QFN 封装的汽车类 1.2A 开关、高压升压转换器

发表于 2018-12-12 17:10:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
基于TPS61170-Q1的采用了 2x2mm QFN 封装的汽车类 1.2A 开关、高压升压转换器
  1 特性
  适用于汽车电子 应用
  3V 18V 输入电压范围
  输入电压最高可达 38V
  1.2A 集成开关
  1.2MHz 固定开关频率
  由 5V 输入电压供电时,300mA 对应的输出电压为 12V150mA 对应的输出电压为 24V(典型值)
  效率高达 93%
  6 引脚,2mm × 2mm 小外形尺寸无引线 (SON) 封装
  2 应用范围
  混合动力汽车 (HEV) 和电动汽车 (EV) 充电器系统
  高级驾驶员辅助系统 (ADAS)
  3 说明
  TPS61170-Q1 是一款集成 1.2A/40V 功率金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (MOSFET) 的单片高压开关稳压器。该器件可配置为多种标准开关稳压器拓扑,包括升压和 SEPIC。该器件通过其宽输入电压范围 支持 需要由多节电池或经稳压的 5V/12V 电源轨提供输电压的应用。
  TPS61170-Q1 的工作开关频率为 1.2MHz,允许使用薄型电感和低值陶瓷输入和输出电容。外部回路补偿组件支持用户灵活优化回路补偿和瞬态响应。此器件内置保护 特性,例如逐脉冲过流限制、软启动和热关断。
  FB 引脚可调节为基准电压
  1.229V。该基准电压可使用通过 CTRL 引脚连接的单线制数字接口(EasyScale™协议)进行降低。另外,也可将一路脉宽调制 (PWM) 信号施加于 CTRL 引脚。该信号的占空比可按比例降低反馈基准电压。
  TPS61170-Q1 采用 6 引脚 2mm ×2mm SON 封装,适用于紧凑型电源解决方案。
  The TPS61170-Q1 integrates a 40-V low-side FET for providing output voltages up to 38 V. The device regulates the output with current mode PWM (pulse width modulation) control. The switching frequency of the PWM is fixed at 1.2 MHz (typical). The PWM control circuitry turns on the switch at the beginning of each switching cycle. The input voltage is applied across the inductor and stores the energy as the inductor current ramps up. During this portion of the switching cycle, the load current is provided by the output capacitor. When the inductor current rises to the threshold set by the error amplifier output, the power switch turns off and the external Schottky diode is forward biased. The inductor transfers stored energy to replenish the output capacitor and supply the load current. This operation repeats each switching cycle. As shown in the block diagram, the duty cycle of the converter is determined by the PWM control comparator which compares the error amplifier output and the current signal.
A ramp signal from the oscillator is added to the current ramp. This slope compensation ramp is necessary to avoid subharmonic oscillations that are intrinsic to current mode control at duty cycles higher than 50%. The feedback loop regulates the FB pin to a reference voltage through an error amplifier. The output of the error amplifier must be connected to the COMP pin. An external RC compensation network must be connected to the COMP pin to optimize the feedback loop for stability and transient response.
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