基于UCC28740的具有光电耦合器反馈的恒压、恒流反激控制器 1 特性 低于 10mW 的空载功耗能力 具有针对恒定电压 (CV) 的光耦合反馈和针对恒定电流 (CC) 的初级侧调节 (PSR) 在线路和负载上实现 ±1% 电压调节和 ±5% 电流调节 700V 启动开关 100kHz 最大开关频率可实现高功率密度充电器设计 针对最高总体效率的谐振环谷值开关运行 简化电磁干扰 (EMI) 兼容性的频率抖动 针对金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (MOSFET) 的已钳制栅极驱动输出 过压、低线路和过流保护功能 小外形尺寸集成电路 (SOIC)-7 封装 2 应用 用于消费类电子产品的 USB 兼容适配器和充电器 智能手机 平板电脑 摄像机 电视和台式机的待机电源 白色家电 3 说明 UCC28740 隔离式反激电源控制器使用光耦合器来提供恒定电压 (CV),从而改善对大型负载阶跃的瞬态响应。恒流 (CC) 调节通过一次侧稳压 (PSR) 技术来实现。此器件处理光耦合反馈信息和来自辅助反激式绕组的信息,以实现对输出电压和电流的精准高性能控制。 内部采用 700V 启动开关,可动态控制工作状态并定制调制配置文件,支持超低待机功耗,并且不会影响启动时间或输出瞬态响应。 UCC28740 中的控制算法使得运行效率满足或者超过适用标准。驱动输出接至一个 MOSFET 电源开关。带有谷值开关的断续传导模式 (DCM) 减少了开关损耗。开关频率的调制和初级电流峰值振幅(FM 和 AM)在整个负载和线路范围内保持较高的转换效率。 此控制器有一个 100kHz 的最大开关频率并且一直保持对变压器内峰值初级电流的控制。保护 特性 有助于抑制一次侧和二次侧应力分量。170Hz 的最小开关频率可轻松实现低于 10mW 的无负载功耗。 TI产品现货库存在线购买:https://www.iczoom.com/brand/509-c-1-20.html 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The UCC28740 is a flyback power-supply controller which provides high-performance voltage regulation using an optically coupled feedback signal from a secondary-side voltage regulator. The device provides accurate constant-current regulation using primary-side feedback. The controller operates in discontinuous-conduction mode (DCM) with valley-switching to minimize switching losses. The control law scheme combines frequency with primary peak-current amplitude modulation to provide high conversion efficiency across the load range. The control law provides a wide dynamic operating range of output power which allows the power-supply designer to easily achieve less than 30-mW standby power dissipation using a standard shunt-regulator and optocoupler. For a target of less than 10-mW standby power, careful loss-management design with a low-power regulator and high-CTR optocoupler is required. During low-power operating conditions, the power-management features of the controller reduce the device-operating current at switching frequencies below 32 kHz. At and above this frequency, the UCC28740 includes features in the modulator to reduce the EMI peak energy of the fundamental switching frequency and harmonics. A complete low-cost and low component-count charger-solution is realized using a straight-forward design process. |