
如果丢失 admin 密码,则可以使用下列步骤将 NetScreen 设备重置到其缺省设置。配置将丢失,但是对设备的访问将
恢复。要执行此操作,需要建立控制台连接,在 NetScreen CLI Reference Guide 和安装指南中对其进行了详细描述。
1. 在登录提示下,键入设备的序列号。
2. 在密码提示下,再次键入序列号。
!!!! Lost Password Reset !!!! You have initiated a command to reset the device to factory defaults, clearing all
current configuration, keys and settings. Would you like to continue? y/n
(!!!! 丢失密码重置!!!! 您已发出将设备重置为出厂缺省值的命令,这将清除所有当前配置、密钥和设置。是
否要继续? y/n)
3. 按 y 键。
!! Reconfirm Lost Password Reset !! If you continue, the entire configuration of the device will be erased. In
addition, a permanent counter will be incremented to signify that this device has been reset. This is your last
chance to cancel this command. If you proceed, the device will return to factory default configuration, which
is: System IP:; username: netscreen; password: netscreen. Would you like to continue? y/n
此设备已被重置。这是您取消此命令的最后机会。如果继续,设备将返回出厂缺省值,即:系统 IP:; 用户名:netscreen; 密码:netscreen。是否要继续? |