DRV5023数字锁存霍尔效应传感器 描述 DRV5023 器件是一款斩波稳定霍尔效应传感器,能够在整个温度范围内提供具有出色灵敏度稳定性和集成保护特性的磁场感测 解决方案。 当应用的磁通量密度超过 BOP 阈值时,DRV5023 开漏输出变为低电平。输出将保持低电平,直到磁通量密度降至 BRP 以下之后变为高阻抗。输出灌电流能力为 30mA。反向极性保护高达 -22V 的宽工作电压范围(2.5 至 38V)使得此器件广泛适用于各种工业 信号。 该器件提供针对反向电源情况、负载突降以及输出短路或过流故障的内部保护功能。 特性 数字单极性开关霍尔传感器 出色的温度稳定性 温度范围内的灵敏度为 ±10% 多个灵敏度选项 (BOP/BRP): 3.5/2mT(FA) 6.9/3.2mT(AJ ) 14.5/6mT(BI ) 支持宽电压范围 2.5V 至 38V 无需外部稳压器 宽运行电压范围 TA = -40 至 125°C(Q,请见 ) 开漏输出(30mA 灌电流) 35µs 快速上电时间 小型封装尺寸 表面贴装 3 引脚小外形尺寸晶体管 (SOT)-23 (DBZ) 2.92mm × 2.37mm 插入式 3 引脚 TO-92 (LPG) 4.00mm × 3.15mm 保护 特性 反向电源保护(高达 -22V) 支持高达 40V 抛负载 输出短路保护 输出电流限制 应用 对接检测 门开关检测 接近感测 阀定位 脉冲计数 3 说明 DRV5023 器件是一款斩波稳定霍尔效应传感器,能够在整个温度范围内提供具有出色灵敏度稳定性和集成保护特性的磁场感测 解决方案。 当应用的磁通量密度超过 BOP 阈值时,DRV5023 开漏输出变为低电平。输出将保持低电平,直到磁通量密度降至 BRP 以下之后变为高阻抗。输出灌电流能力为 30mA。反向极性保护高达 -22V 的宽工作电压范围(2.5 至 38V)使得此器件广泛适用于各种工业 信号。 该器件提供针对反向电源情况、负载突降以及输出短路或过流故障的内部保护功能。 TI产品现货库存在线购买:https://www.iczoom.com/brand/509-c-1-20.html 7.1 Overview The DRV5023 device is a chopper-stabilized Hall sensor with a digital output for magnetic sensing applications. The DRV5023 device can be powered with a supply voltage between 2.5 and 38 V, and will survive –22 V reverse-battery conditions. The DRV5023 device does not operate when –22 to 2.4 V is applied to the VCC pin (with respect to GND pin). In addition, the device can withstand supply voltages up to 40 V for transient durations. The field polarity is defined as follows: a south pole near the marked side of the package is a positive magnetic field. A north pole near the marked side of the package is a negative magnetic field. The output state is dependent on the magnetic field perpendicular to the package. A strong south pole near the marked side of the package causes the output to pull low (operate point, BOP), and a weak south pole causes the output to release (release point, BRP). Hysteresis is included in between the operate point and the release point therefore magnetic-field noise does not accidentally trip the output. An external pullup resistor is required on the OUT pin. The OUT pin can be pulled up to VCC, or to a different voltage supply. This allows for easier interfacing with controller circuits. |